Monday, April 4, 2011

April 4-8 Newsletter

Mrs. Ginn’s First Grade Newsletter

April 4-8, 2011

TCAP starts next week.  Please make sure your child is here every day and on time.  This is so important!
If you have not turned in the slip for the Creative Discovery Museum night please do so.  I can take it tomorrow. 

Reading story:  Tippy-Toe Chick, Go!

Vocabulary words:  along, behind, toward, eyes, never, pulling

Spelling words:  how, town, down, now, brown, cow, clown, frown, crowd, growl *bonus words: eyes, never

Phonics:  -ow, ou

Grammar:  Commands

·        Capacity
·        Math facts-subtracting 4, 5, 6

Social Studies:  Problem Solving

Theme:      Spring

A Look Ahead…
Thursday             April 7, 2011                   Creative Discovery Museum night
April 11-15, 2011     TCAP testing
Thursday             April 21, 2011        Easter Egg Hunt-Tinsley Park
Tuesday               April 26, 2011        CMS musical-Willy Wonka