Monday, December 12, 2011

This week...

Thank you to everyone who sent in items for our gingerbread houses and came to help on Friday.  They turned out great and we had so much fun!! 

We will not have reading groups, spelling words or homework this week.  We are going to learn about Christmas Around the World and make lots of fun crafts! 

Thursday is Pajama Day!  Please have your child wear their favorite pjs.  They can wear slippers (please bring a change of shoes), and bring a small pillow and blanket.  We will be watching The Polar Express in the afternoon. 

Don't forget Friday is a half day for students.  We will dismiss at 11:00.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and enjoys the break!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Weekly Newsletter

Mrs. Ginn’s First Grade Newsletter

December 5-9, 2011

Our gingerbread men were due today.  If your child has not brought theirs in please do so ASAP.  Also, we need almost all of the gingerbread house materials still.  Please send that in by Wednesday.  If you can help Friday let me know!

This is what we are working on this week:

Reading story:  Jan’s New Home

Comprehension skill:  Theme

Vocabulary words:  very, car, away, our, house, school, friends

Spelling words:  fix, fixes, class, classes, wish, wishes, kiss, kisses, bus, buses *bonus words: friends, very
Phonics:  word ending -es

Grammar:  Verbs
·        Expanded Form
·        Topic 11 test
·        Start Topic 12
* Addition facts-plus 3

Social Studies: Geography, Place, Movement

Theme:      Christmas

A Look Ahead…

December 5, 2011            Gingerbread craft is due-
Have fun with this and be creative!
December 9, 2011            Send in Gingerbread supplies- a list went home